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Hai Al-Risalah

Cost of Repair
Repair and renovation$33,750

Tom Sager (trip leader of the Leon White Brigade) reported:

"The Hai Al-Risalah plant sits on the Euphrates River within the town of Falooja. Its small, about the size of Mansouria. The plant had a leak in the sedimentation tank and was completely inoperable. The plant has never had a chlorinator. Rebuilding will include replacing the sedimentation tank, supplying a chlorinator and 2 new submerged lift pumps, and rebuilding the filters, control panel, and one of the distribution pumps."

"Our work here consisted of digging a trench from the bank of the Euphrates to the damaged sedimentation tank. We were getting into the swing of it and, I think, gave a better accounting of ourselves than the previous day, although we still couldn't come close to digging as fast as our hosts. But again, the symbolism, I believe, is important. Expressing solidarity. I think our hosts understood that."
